Christmas Wishes & Mistletoe Kisses

This is HM at it's very best. Witty, likable, visually interesting, this movie is so far the best of 2019 and maybe a new favorite HM couple.

Abby (Jill Wagner, a HM all-star) works for a local retirement home with Mrs. Sinclair of the famous Richmond Sinclairs. Noticing Abby's keen eye for decorating, Mrs. Sinclair suggests that Abby meet with her son, Nick (Matthew Davis). Nick is a high-powered something with some kind of company and foundation that is expanding to the Southeast. This means Nick is back in Richmond in his grandparents' mansion that is in dire need of some redecorating love. Recognizing Abby's scrappiness and infectious holiday spirit, Nick hires her and finds himself wanting to spend more and more time with her and her son, Max. Add-in Nick's ambitious VP and a would-be suitor for Abby and we've got ourselves a movie!


My mom has a set of Santa & Mrs. Claus salt and pepper shakers just like that and I was obsessed with them. I'd make them dance around this ceramic tree my mom kept in the kitchen. #memories

Shady Grove as a senior home sounds like an upmarket cousin of Sophia Petrillo's Shady Pines.

I love a good collision meeting. Oh hey, it's Warner from Legally Blonde! I think this may be his first HM movie.

I laughed out loud after Grandad's very obvious set-up attempt didn't work-out.
  "Smooth." as the grandson pats the grandfather on the back.

Is Kate a hated girlfriend?

Do people not spend Christmas Eve with their families in the Hallmark universe? What's with all these work-related events?

Jill Wagner does sassy and scrappy so well! Love it!

Phil'er Up Cafe! That's punny!

"I like my furniture sturdy." Great, Nick. Thanks for your input.

Ohhh, look at Nick lighting up when he sees the decorations!

Going out on a limb here but I'm guessing VP Kate does not, in fact, want this relationship to work. At all.

These 2 are adorable together.

"He's British. Total snob." My kind of guy!

"You're really tall."
"This is true..." Nick crouches down. "There is that better?"
Max shrugs and runs away.

He sent her the Nutcracker!

"Snow is fun no matter how inconvenient it is." Truth, Abby, truth.

The supporting characters - Walter the party planner, Abby's assistant Desiree, and her dad Phil are all great in this.

Oh no! Abby agrees to dinner with Dr. Mike. Nick takes VP Kate to the same restaurant to spy? To make Abby jealous? Do VP Kate and Dr. Mike end up together?

This band that Nick and Abby are auditioning starts by asking them if they have any requests. How smart is that? I'd hire them.

When exactly did Nick make it clear that their relationship was just strictly professional? C'mon Abby!

Ugh, the scene in Nick's office gave me butterflies.

Hiring a full-time assistant is a bold move.

Donna Mills is still a smokeshow.

Ahhh! Dr. Mike is just trying to make Nick jealous! We're playing with fire here.

Nick thinks Abby is with Mike. Abby thinks Nick is going to be with VP Kate. Classic mix-up!

A grand gesture!

... and the snow!!!
